Calm Down Challenge Sleep & Anxiety Questionnaire

14 Day Chronic Fatigue Calm Down Challenge Sleep & Anxiety Questionnaire

The questions below give us a way of finding out where you are at right now with anxiety, overwhelm, or sleeping problems.

Please rate in this questionnaire:

In the last 4 weeks:

0 = Never / Not at all

1 = rarely / very mildly / 0-1 days per week

2 = sometimes / mildly / 2 - 3 days per week

3 = Often / moderately / 4 -5 days per week

4 = Almost always / severely / 6-7 days per week

Don't forget to take a screenshot for yourself and click submit at the bottom


Worry & Anxiety

I feel nervous or anxious
I cannot calm down and feel my thoughts spiralling out of control
I feel restless or fidgety, or cannot sit still
I experience panic and/or anxiety attacks
I have trouble relaxing
I worry about different things
I take pharmaceutical anxiolytic medications to help me relax
I take herbal and/or nutritional anxiolytic medications to help me relax
I become easily annoyed or irritable
I feel afraid that something awful might happen to me or my loved ones

Getting to Sleep

In the last 4 weeks:

0 = Never / Not at all

1 = rarely / very mildly / 0-1 days per week

2 = sometimes / mildly / 2 - 3 days per week

3 = Often / moderately / 4 -5 days per week

4 = Almost always / severely / 6-7 days per week

I have trouble falling asleep
I drink alcohol to help me get to sleep
I read, watch TV, or do things on my smart phone/digital device for more than 1 hour whilst in bed, before falling asleep
I take pharmaceutical sleeping medications to help me get to sleep
I take herbal or nutritional sleeping medications to help me get to sleep
I have restless legs and/or cannot keep my legs still when I am trying to get to sleep
I experience a creeping-crawling feeling or tingling in my legs when trying to get to sleep
I experience an inability to move when I am falling asleep or just awakening
I am generally more alert in the afternoons and evenings than in the morning
Thoughts start racing through my mind when I am trying to fall asleep

Staying Asleep

In the last 4 weeks:

0 = Never / Not at all

1 = rarely / very mildly / 0-1 days per week

2 = sometimes / mildly / 2 - 3 days per week

3 = Often / moderately / 4 -5 days per week

4 = Almost always / severely / 6-7 days per week

I awaken more than 1 time during the night
When I wake during the night I struggle to get back to sleep
I wake very early in the morning and can't get back to sleep
I sleep walk or move around a lot in my sleep
I have been told I jerk my legs and kick in my sleep
I dream vividly and/or have nightmares
I talk or shout in my sleep
Chronic pain interferes with my sleep
I grind my teeth in my sleep
I have to wake more than 1 time per night to urinate

Overall Quality & Quantity of Sleep

In the last 4 weeks:

0 = Never / Not at all

1 = rarely / very mildly / 0-1 days per week

2 = sometimes / mildly / 2 - 3 days per week

3 = Often / moderately / 4 -5 days per week

4 = Almost always / severely / 6-7 days per week

I awaken feeling unrefreshed or tired
I typically sleep for less than 7 hours per night
I do not go to bed and/or awaken at a regular time every day
I have been told I snore and/or I have woken myself up with my snoring
I awaken at night gasping for air and/or stop breathing whilst I sleep
I sweat a great deal at night
I awaken with headaches
I feel drowsy during the day
I take naps during the day
I perform poorly at work due to lack of sleep and/or drowsiness

Don't forget to take a screenshot for yourself and click submit below! Thanks for filling out this questionnaire.